Years of development to complete NADMED technology
NADMED is a proprietary technology for measuring NADs and glutathiones. The technology is based on the novel nondestructive extraction of all metabolites and an accurate colorimetric quantification of NADs and glutathione. The technology has been used to study research samples of cells, liver, brain, muscle, and blood of human or animal origin.
The principle of the NADMED technology is a cyclic enzymatic reaction and colorimetric detection, where metabolites are extracted from a sample in a single step. The intensity of the assay’s color change is proportional to the quantity of NADs or glutathiones. Sample extracts are analyzed with standards. Finally, the values of the light absorption standards are compared to those of samples to determine metabolite concentration. The assay can be run with standard laboratory equipment, so the kits can be used by any clinical laboratory without having to invest in expensive instruments.
NADMED’s current CSO Liliya Euro spent several years developing and validating the technology. The generated data includes the largest-ever population-level data set of all four NADs from over 300 samples (e.g., NAD+ in Figure 2 [right]) and association data to multiple diseases, such as cancer and type 2 diabetes. The test’s accuracy was validated by analyzing the same sample multiple times to show the results’ consistency (Figure 2 [left]) and by comparing its results to those obtained with mass spectrometry (Figure 3).

Figure 1:
NADMED technology solves two key problems in colorimetric quantification: 1) extraction of metabolites without destroying them and 2) accurate detection of selected metabolites.
Figure 2 (right):
The largest-ever population dataset of NADs allows for building a reference range, which is required for clinical NAD testing.
Figure 2 (left):
Repeatability of NADMED test (54 measurements of the same sample; coefficient of variation = 3.94%)

Figure 3:
Correlation of NADMED and mass spectrometry measurement of NAD+ from the same samples.